How does publishing work and doesn’t work?

What to chose between traditional publisher, self publishing and Omniscriptum – a publisher who invites you to publish your manuscript ?! While it is clear there are many options to choose from, it is difficult to decide which option will be better for you, thus we have prepared a comparison between Traditional publisher, Self publishing and us Omniscriptum; covering the most important aspects for every new and experienced author.

How to publish with us

Send us your manuscript

Just send us your manuscript. No obligations, no frills. We will check it for suitability and get back to you already after a few days.

Only have a draft? We’d like to read that too!

Author's agreement

Once we have accepted your manuscript, you will receive your author’s agreement. Read it to find out that there are no strings attached.

Make your book

An easy step-by-step web app will guide you through to make your book a reality. Should you still get lost, though, we’re here! Your editor will help you, there’s even live chat and a support call option available!

Quality assurance and pre-launch

We take care that your book is marketable worldwide. Last checks before publication ensure that customers will love it and not claim a refund because a pesky illustration was illegible.

You will also get the chance to buy your book on huge discounts for your personal audience.

Book Published!

That’s it! Your book will be available throughout hundreds of retailers worldwide, big and small, for the widest possible reach.

Advertising and Marketing

Worldwide marketing

  • We supply to all relevant book catalogues and to leading global wholesalers. Of course your book can also be ordered from,,, and many other online shops. Almost any bookstore can receive our titles quickly through one of the leading wholesalers. So your book will be available at 80.000 booksellers and on more than 3.000 online shops.

Social networks

  • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn – social networks are the ideal platform to promote your book. With the social plugins of our partner you can effectively advertise your book on your profile.

News Sharing

  • Are you planning a reading? Did you receive an interesting review? Was your book awarded a prize?
    Let us know what`s new. We will share your news on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Review copies

  • On request we provide journalists with review copies of your book in e-book format.

Poster, flyer, cover-pdf

  • We will gladly provide you with digital samples of your promotional material.

Blogs and websites

  • With our beautiful widgets, which you can include via the “book-sharing” funktion of our partner, you can show the cover and all relevant information about your book directly on your blog or your website. Furthermore, you can boost the sales of your book with the direct link to the online shop.

Marketing Brochure

Here’s a little brochure that might help you on your way to market your work perfectly.
Give it a read!

Author's agreement

Once we have accepted your manuscript, you will receive your author’s agreement. Read it to find out that there are no strings attached.

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