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El Derecho a la Información Turística

La Inversión del Papel del Guía

El derecho a ser guiado se combina con la libertad, recientemente prevista, de guiar (derecho a la información turística). Por ello, se ha producido el fenómeno de inversión del papel del guía oficial de turismo, frente al turista, al guía informal (por ejemplo, en los free tours) y a las guías (libros). Ha resultado también una inversión de la denominación del guía en griego, dado que en ese idioma el turista se llama περιηγητής (periigitís), palabra que significa una persona que visita destinos con fines de ocio y en antiguo griego se usaba para denotar sea al guía frente al 'teorós' (turista) sea, de manera limitada, a los escritores de conocimientos adquiridos a través de sus viajes. Además, el turismo consiste en una actividad endógena en la naturaleza y la endogeneidad del uso no productivo de los bienes ambientales debería consagrarse como principio general del Derecho de Medio Ambiente, el cual implicaría una prioridad de ese tipo de uso frente a la producción.

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About the Author

Antonios Maniatis

Antonios Maniatis is a doctor in Public Law of the University Paris Nanterre, with the PhD thesis «The parliamentary recourse in the European Union». Besides, on 14.10.2020 he became a Public Law doctor, in the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, with the PhD thesis «Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and energy efficiency of public buildings». Finally, he is a PhD student in Public Law in the University of Rouen Normandy. He composed in French his third PhD thesis in Public Law on Tourism, being entitled «The rights to tourism and hospitality».    

  He is a lawyer at the Supreme Court of Greece and his office is located at Kalamata, Greece. He attended a fast-paced seminar on ‘’Deontology and internal regulation’’ of the lawyer’s profession in the ‘’High School of Lawyers Counselors’’ at the Court of Appeal of Versailles on 15 and 16 November 2018 and on 21.11.2018 he passed the  exam on  ‘’Deontology and internal regulation’’ in the aforementioned School and so he acquired the right to become a lawyer  in a Bar Association of France.

From October 2018 till June 2020 he worked in various distance-learning programs of the Law School of the University of Nicosia. He was the Coordinator and the teaching staff of the distance-learning master-degree program «MLAW511DL Public Procurement Law» for two academic semesters. Besides, he taught the Subject DOE3/53 «Law on Public Procurement, Energy and Environment» (in 2017-2018 the Subject «DOE1/51 Public Economic Law») in the joint master-degree program of the Hellenic Open University and of the University of Nicosia.

  From June 2017 and on, he has been teaching staff of the Summer Courses of the Social Sciences Department of the University of Castilla – La Mancha, teaching Public Procurement Law in Spanish. 

  Besides, he has worked as a tutor and Course Coordinator of the master-degree  Subject ‘’PPA523 Law of Culture and Intellectual Property’’ in the Open University of Cyprus. He has been a tutor of the Hellenic Open University from 2002 and  on, having taught inter alia the Subject ‘’Tourism Law’’. He has also worked as a Professor in the Athens School of Tourist Guides. 

  In January 2020 he taught the Seminar ‘’Application of artificial intelligence and of robots in Public Administration and Justice’’ at the University of Thessaly. He has  been  a collaborator of the Themistoklis and Dimitris  Tsatsos  Foundation ‘’European Centre of Constitutional Law’’, by publishing papers in the Observatory ‘’syntagmawatch’’ and by teaching seminars,  such as the webinar «Special Issues of Fashion Law».   

   He has taught in more than 30 tertiary-education Schools of Greece, Cyprus, France (ERASMUS), Bulgaria, Spain and Albania  (ERASMUS+). During two academic semesters, from February till September 2020, he taught the distance-learning English-language open, academic course «Public Law of Zambia». He is an Assistant Professor in Law at the Merchant Navy Academy of Macedonia, in Greece.  

    He is a researcher of Public Law, mainly of Constitutional Law, of the States of Africa and has composed papers in English and in French on the constitutionalism of Africa. He is one of the most important experts in Public Law of the Republic of Zambia, being endowed with many publications in English. He has been the Institutional Representative of the University of West Attica on Zambia in the program «Erasmus+ – International Mobility», by achieving the ongoing conclusion of a bilateral agreement between the University of West Attica and the University of Zambia Mulungushi.   

   He is an Associate Researcher in the research center ‘’Maritime and Oceanic Law Center” of the Law Department of Nantes, with many publications in the journals of the Center.  He has published more than 300 articles and other studies in Greek, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. In total, he is endowed with 22 individual books and the collective monograph «The Right to Tourist Information.  Reversing the Role of the Guide’’. This book, written in Spanish, has been translated and is also available in 8 other languages (English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese, Polish). In English, it is indexed as following: A. Maniatis,  E.E. Cortès-Ramírez, The Right to Tourist Information. Reversing the Role of the Guide, Our Knowledge Publishing, 2020, ISBN: 9786202932677. It is about an  introduction to tourism and hospitality (tourism theory) and also an analysis of tourism law. It is about the unique monograph worldwide, on the law and the practice on tourist guides and particularly on the world trend of free tours. This study has received very good reviews, as it is the case of the book review of Prof. F. Javier Melgosa Arcos in the Journal entitled ‘’Revista General de Derecho del Turismo’’.   

   In a similar way, his monograph ‘’The Right to Water. A Public Law Study’’, was published by the Editorial Académica Española in 2018. Since January 2021 it has been  also  available in the aforementioned 8 languages, as it is the case of the English-language version: A. Maniatis, The Right to Water and Public Procurement, Our Knowledge, 2021, ISBN:  9786203185645.

Other Published Books

El Derecho al Agua y la Contratación Pública

Estudio de Derecho Público

El derecho universal al agua es un derecho fundamental de tercera generación mientras Francia ha consagrado desde 2013 el derecho a la sostenibilidad hídrica y energética en los hogares principales bloqueando el corte de energía y sobre todo de agua. De esta ‘’Revolución francesa’’ número II resulta que el consumidor doméstico ha sido protegido, el cual en nivel internacional se ha convertido en potencial productor de electricidad (‘’prosumer’’). El caso francés ejemplifica el fenómeno ‘’hidratación de los derechos’’, el cual consiste en un impacto favorable del derecho al agua al menos a un sector, al cual se dirige particularmente, mientras la hidratación puede promover también otros derechos (por ejemplo, familia y hospitalidad frente a la vivienda, en el caso francés). Además, el agua sigue siendo una temática especial en materia de la contratación pública (directiva separada 2014/25/UE, exclusión parcial de la directiva 2014/23/UE). Este libro resulta muy útil para los profesionales del campo de la contratación pública o para quien desee ejercer y promocionar sus derechos fundamentales, particularmente al agua y la sostenibilidad hídrica y energética.

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