New Release

Practical Guide to Elections

Management of the "Election Night"

The PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ELECTIONS has been developed for better organization of elections. It is intended for stakeholders in the electoral process : Election Management Bodies (EMBs), election candidates and their representatives, observers, journalists, etc. It considers the challenges of election management bodies in the design and planning of electoral operations and facilitates good monitoring of the electoral process for good media coverage. THE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ELECTIONS aims at the proclamation of the voting results within a short time by the EMBs and the capacity building of the candidates and their staff on the strategy for collecting the results of the vote and promoting non-violence and fair play electoral. It provides guidance to candidates in order to collect the results in real time and detect irregularities in the voting records upstream to formulate informed challenges, downstream and reduce electoral disputes.

French Version of the book

Le GUIDE PRATIQUE DES ELECTIONS a été élaboré pour une meilleure organisation des élections. Il est destiné aux parties prenantes au processus électoral: les Organes de Gestion des Elections (OGE), les candidats aux élections et leurs représentants, les observateurs, les journalistes, … Il prend en compte les défis des organes de gestion des élections dans la conception et planification des opérations électorales et facilite un bon suivi du processus électoral pour une bonne couverture médiatique. Le Guide pratique des élections a pour objectif la proclamation des résultats de vote dans un bref délai par les OGE et le renforcement des capacités des candidats et leurs staffs sur la stratégie de collecte des résultats de vote. Il donne des orientations aux candidats afin de collecter les résultats en temps réel et détecter en amont des irrégularités sur les procès-verbaux de vote de sorte à former des contestations éclairées, en aval et réduire les contentieux électoraux.


Komenan Dore Aka

My name is Mr. Komenan Doré AKA, electoral expert and logistician of Ivorian nationality, married and father of a daughter.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Management from the University of Bouaké/Côte d’Ivoire and a Bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from ISAE-ISM PARIS (France). I received training as an election manager and long-term and short-term election observer at the Kofi Annan International Peace Training Center (KAIPTC) in Ghana. I was for 7 years respectively Administrative Manager and Technical Support Agent within the Independent Electoral Commission of Côte d’Ivoire. In addition, in United Nations peacekeeping missions, I held the positions of Coordinator of Electoral Operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) and Electoral Advisor in charge of Logistics and Operations in the Central African Republic, my current position (MINUSCA). My books entitled practical guide to elections are in two versions (French and English)

image - Komenan Dore Aka

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