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Mapping of Choices:
The end is carried from the beginning

Life as we know follows the arrow of time from the present to the unknown future. Due to the lack of knowing what we truly want we tend to consider whatever happening in our life as fate, no matter how wrong. Sometimes may be the fate is occurring. But, there’s a ‘BUT’ to it: sometimes what’s going on are just the consequences of your choices. Choices are like the compass you rely on, not knowing how to read your compass doesn’t rule out the fact that the compass will not show you direction anyway; even if it would be a wrong direction. Since any choice you will make will likely have an outcome, that implies to the possibilities of different versions of you in the near future. What if you can map out the choices you made in your past up to now? What if you were to make deep analysis from any critical time of your life you can recall and found out big WHYs of how one thing led to another? This book will share insights regarding that leverage and clearing for you how the end is always carried from the beginning. Any choice carries its aftermath events, although life has an open end due to our lack of comprehending every aspect of our life in all details.

About the Author

Fred Mugisha

Fred Mugisha is a dynamic individual whose journey has seamlessly blended the worlds of engineering, entrepreneurship, and literature. As a civil engineer turned entrepreneur, Fred has navigated the intricate intersections of technical expertise and business acumen. With a passion for building both structures and enterprises, he has embraced the challenges of diverse fields.

Fred earned his stripes academically, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Rwanda College of Science and Technology. His educational journey laid the foundation for his technical prowess and analytical mindset.

In the tapestry of Fred Mugisha’s life, each thread represents a facet of his multifaceted identity – an engineer sculpting the future, an entrepreneur shaping opportunities and an author crafting narratives that resonate. His story continues to evolve, leaving an indelible mark at the crossroads of engineering, business, and creative expression.

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Mapping of Choices:
The end is carried from the beginning

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