New Release

When the piano sinks


ebook mockup in an angled position over a flat backdrop a9915 16 1 645x1024 - Andreas Georgallides
9786206745501 Cover 649x1024 - Andreas Georgallides


The verses of the collection are instantaneously free and cause conflict to the codified trivial way of thinking. They have an internal dark syntactic rhythm because of a non-logical conception of things in the way the poet perceives them. Images are offered which cannot be reduced to a fashionable logical process since they do not necessarily reflect the data of experience but are enlarged by imagination, being non-pretentious, non-disciplined, fresh and newborns which expand our visual field and offer us another dimension of things. The poet uses a special language code with terms which often are not decodified for the sake of a fuller understanding of the poetic meaning.


Andreas Georgallides

Andreas Georgallides studied Pedagogical Sciences, History and Archaeology, and Philosophy, and conducted his postgraduate studies in Philosophy at the University of Paris I – Panthéon – Sorbonne, before receiving his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Sussex, UK. He is the author, editor and translator of philosophy books in Greek, English and French. He has also published eight poetry collections and his work has been translated in sixteen languages. 

In 2023, he was awarded the title of Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters from the French government. In the same year, he received the Premio Cultura Proloco San Pietro in Cariano 2023 (Verona) – Premio Speciale della Giuria. In 2022, he was awarded the Grand prix de la Francophonie (Association des Poètes Peintres Européens des Landes), the Premio Biennale Internazionale di Poesia e Narrativa Percorsi letterari ‘‘Dal Golfo dei Poeti Shelley e Byron’’and the prix ‘‘Claude Sorel’’ (Société des Auteurs et Poètes Francophones. Among others, in 2021, he was awarded the Golden Medal (Riconoscimento per Meriti Letterari) by Kimerik Publications in Italy and in 2019 he was awarded the Silver Medal by the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts in Paris.  

Today he is a Special Scientist at the University of Cyprus and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Crete. 

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ebook mockup in an angled position over a flat backdrop a9915 16 2 645x1024 - Andreas Georgallides

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