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Impacts of Eastern Language and Its Scripting

From the Third Millennium BC to the Seventh Century AD

Some theories confirm that “the Homo-Sapience” set out from Central East Africa, and spread throughout the ancient world, especially the Arabian Peninsula and Palestine, and then to Asia towards Europe. Of course, that movement must spread cultural materials. Certainly, the mother language and its writing started moving from there until it reached Mesopotamia, and began codifying it with the “cuneiform” symbols invented by the Sumerians (3000 BC). The Canaanites and Nabataea used that language and writing and developed them to become used by Arab people, until they were the Quran’s Language and writing in the 7th century BC. Here, we have tried to know how our current language and writing were formed, using some comparisons to gain our desired goals.

About the Author

Abdullaziz Saeed Swei

Dr. Abdullaziz Saeed Swei, a Libyan writer and researcher, born in 1946. He holds a PhD in ancient Libyan history and a doctorate of literature in ancient Libyan civilization. He has published more than 22 books, some of which are scheduled as textbooks in some Arab universities, such as Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, and others. He presented some research papers in some scientific symposia and conferences. He taught journalism sciences at the University of Tripoli and ancient history at the University of al-Jabal al-Gharbi. He is interested in ancient history, languages, ancient writings, in addition to his previous interest in journalistic matters in terms of their industry, making and history.

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