New Release

Mental Health in Pediatrics

About the book:
Primary medical providers for children know and love their patients most intimately. As they treat the body, they observe the complex emotional development and challenges of the children under their care and their families. These providers need a trusted guide to help them understand the mental health aspects of their work and to provide precise and effective interventions. Here is that guide. A pediatrician and child psychiatrist with four decades of primary care experience designed this guide to furnish exactly what the primary provider needs. It belongs in every primary care office, next to the otoscope and stethoscope. It delivers expert practical understanding of emotional issues that belong in primary care. It expresses these insights free of jargon. It proposes ways of talking with children and parents about these matters. The guide reviews the practical aspects of emotional development from birth through adolescence. It addresses both the many of the chronic medical challenges treated by primary providers, and the social and familial challenges of the 21st century. Finally, it discusses self-care for the beleaguered provider.
About the Author:

Alan Flashman

My name is Alan Flashman. I was born and raised in Foxboro, Massachusetts. I left Massachusetts for New York City, where I completed a BA at Columbia College and my MD at New York University. My specialty training included residencies Pediatrics and Psychiatry and a Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, all at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. I am good at tests and completed boards in all three. It was during these six years 1975-1981 that I first encountered Family Therapy and have actively engaged in the clinical and theoretical aspects of this practice ever since. I have resided in Beer Sheba, in Israel’s Negev desert, since 1983. From a base in a solo office, I have been practicing, supervising and teaching family therapy in a variety of settings. My main venue was the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, but I also taught family theory and therapy in Tel Aviv, Beer Sheba, Eilat, Bnai Brak (ultraorthodox) and Sderot (families bombarded from Gaza).

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 My work and interests have extended over the years to attempts to create Israeli-Palestinian dialogue and to enhance Pastoral Couselling programs. I have been active in the area of children’s rights, especially in mental health systems and in divorce law. I have edited two readers published by the Israeli government, one on talking with children and the other on talking with adolescents, and created courses for practicing social workers in these areas. From the 1990s I have been involved in reactivating interest in Martin Buber’s I-Thou dialogue in Israel. This has included publishing a popular new translation of Ich und Du from German to Hebrew (2013) and a translation of Buber’s earlier works, including Daniel, that is now in press. I participated in two conferences on Buber in Germany and co-authored a work in German on Buber and Conflict. Over the past decade I have become a strong advocate for the treatment of autistic children with Medical Cannabis, and have personally treated close to a thousand kids with remarkable results. My nonprofessional passions include Talmudic study and ancient Greek. I am now 72 as is my wife of 52 years. Our three married children and eight grandchildren all live in Israel and provide us with endless joy and occasional challenges. Prior to the current work, I have published a professional autobiography as an imaginary conversation with Michel Foucault called Losing It, and a work on the possible ancient transformation of the Passover Holiday called From Protection to Passover. 


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